Note. Bold font denotes undergraduate co-author.
Buzinski, S. G., Jolink, T. A., Liccione, A., Medlicott, T., Thrower, S., Lawson, E., Bisht, N., Rabil, M., Smith, Y., Medlin, E., Pounds, B., & Sheeran, P. (2024). Using the attention-readiness-motivation framework to promote energy conservation: A field test at a campus laundry. Manuscript submitted to the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Buzinski, S. G. (2023, February). Using Evidence-Based Pedagogy to Productively Center Moral Conversations in a Course on the New Science of Moral Understanding. Presented to the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Persia, Jennifer, R., Schweickert, L. A., & Buzinski, S. G. (2023, January). Do fidget instruments improve attentional control and comprehension in 6-13 year-olds with ADHD? Presented at the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Buzinski, S. G. (2022, June). A pedagogy of moral understanding. Presented to the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding Annual Conference, Durham, NC.
Buzinski, S. G., & Harrison, P.R. (2022, February). Who does active learning leave behind? Socially anxious students who experience distress in the active learning environment learn less and perceive socially based learning as less effective. Presented to the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Martinez, S., & Buzinski, S. G. (2021, February). Subjective fatigue influences means configuration preferences during goal pursuit. Presented to the Society of Motivation Science Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention, Online.
Buzinski, S. G., & Harrison, P. R. (2021, February). A rising tide may not lift all ships: The relationships between social anxiety and the perceived effectiveness of active learning is explained by student distress. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention, Online.
Buzinski, S. G. (2020, February). Applying the Attention-Readiness Motivation framework to Increase Energy Conservation Behavior among College Students: A Field Test. Presented to the Society of Motivation Science Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Cohen, M., Buzinski, S. G., Armstrong-Carter, E., Clark, J., Buck, B., & Reuman, L. (2019). Think, pair, freeze: The association between social anxiety and student discomfort in the active learning environment. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 5, 265-277.
Buzinski, S. G., & Roberts, S. P. (2019, June). Think, Pair, Panic: Reducing the Effects of Social Anxiety in the Active Learning Classroom. Presented to the Eastern Teaching of Psychology (ETOP) Conference, Staunton, VA.
Buzinski, S. G. (2019, February). The social determinants of learning: How students’ perception of peer behavior relates to their exam preparation and performance. Presented to the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Portland, OR.
Buzinski, S. G. (2018, November). Think, Pair, Panic: How Socially Anxious Students Perceive Active Learning. Presented at the Duke University BRITE Ideas Series, Durham, NC
Buzinski, S. G., Clark, J., Cohen, M., Buck, B., & Roberts, S. P. (2018). Insidious assumptions: How pluralistic ignorance undermines student performance. Teaching of Psychology. Published article available at:
Buzinski, S. G., Cohen, M., Day, A., & Armstrong-Carter, E. L. (2018, March). “Just talk to your neighbor”: How our socially anxious students perceive active learning classrooms. Presented to the Society for Teaching Psychology (APA Division 2) Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Buzinski, S. G., & Kitchens, M. B. (2017). Self-regulation and social pressure reduce prejudiced responding and increase the motivation to be non-prejudiced. The Journal of Social Psychology, 5, 629-644. Published article available at: 10.1080/00224545.2016.1263595
Buzinski, S. G., & Roberts, S. P. (2016, June). How pluralistic ignorance of study behaviors relates to exam performance. Presented to the Eastern Teaching of Psychology (ETOP) Conference, Staunton, VA.
Price, A., & Buzinski, S. G. (2016, January). Emancipating the liberating effect of goal progress: Implementation intentions reduce goal inhibition after perceived goal progress. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Diego, CA.
Buzinski, S. G., & Herschel, V. L. (2016, January). Fatigue makes (selfish) cowards of us all: Self-regulatory fatigue decreases partner-oriented responding. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Diego, CA.
Buzinski, S. G. & Price, A. (2015). Don’t tell me what to do: Highly restrictive goals promote temptation indulgence. SAGE Open, 5(3), 1-11. Published Article available at:
Buzinski, S. G., & Roberts, S. P. (2015, May). What they don’t know about each other can hurt them. Presented to the Lilly International Conference on College & University Teaching, Bethesda, MD.
Buzinski, S. G., & Roberts, S. P. (2014, June). Self-regulation in the classroom: Does self-regulatory fatigue influence student learning…and is it worse at 8am? Presented to the Eastern Teaching of Psychology (ETOP) Conference, Staunton, VA.
Samuelson, H., & Buzinski, S. G. (2014, April). Reconsidering the depletion effect through a goal systems theory perspective. Presented at the L. Starling Reid Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
Dorman, K., Harris, A., Wilson, B., Kitchens, M. B., Buzinski, S. G. (2014, March). The effect of ego depletion and social norms on prejudice. Presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Buzinski, S. G. (2014, February). Be careful how you wish for: Highly restrictive goal framing promotes self-regulatory failure. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Austin, TX.
Buzinski, S. G., Dean, P., Donofrio, T. A., Fox, A., Berger, A. T., Fuad, A., Heighton, L. P., & Stoker, L. P. (2013). Faculty and administrative partnerships: Disciplinary differences in perceptions of civic engagement and service learning at a large, research-extensive university. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, 4, 45-75. Published Article available at: DOI 10.7253/partj.v4i1.483
Buzinski, S. G., Roberts, S. P., Curtis, R. D., & Murphy, C. (2013, June). The test that taught: How the “testing effect” should change how we prepare students. Presented to the Eastern Teaching of Psychology (ETOP) Conference, Staunton, VA.
Buzinski, S. G., & Kitchens, M. (2013, January). Ego depletion and prejudice: The influence of perceived social pressure to be non-prejudiced. Presented to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Self-Regulation Preconference, New Orleans, LA.
Buzinski, S. G. (2012, February). Unlocking student engagement and active learning: Pre-class pedagogy as the key. Presented to the Lilly-South Conference on College and University Teaching, Greensboro, NC.
Buzinski, S. G., & Roberts, S. P. (2012, January). Going beyond an evaluation of knowledge: Using assessment to engender engagement and create learning. Presented to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Teaching Preconference, San Diego, CA.
Roberts, S. P., & Buzinski, S. G. (2011). Action learning: Inspire lasting learning through truly applied projects. In P. Ferris (Ed.), Teaching, Learning, and the Net Generation: Concepts and Tools for Reaching Digital Learners. (pp. 311-323). Hershey: IGI Global Publishing.
Buzinski, S. G. (2011, October). Help students walk before they run: A pre-class pedagogy to increase active participation, engagement, and information application. Presented a roundtable to the Middle Atlantic Teaching of Psychology (MATOP)Conference, Washington DC.
Berger, A. T., Buzinki, S. G., Dean, P., Donofrio, T. A., Fox, A., Fuad, A., Heighton, L. P., & Stoker, L. P. (2011, June). Civic engagement, service learning, and scholarship in practice: Defining and evaluating pedagogies for active learning. Presented to the Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching, Bethesda, MD.
Buzinski, S. G., Roberts, S. P., & Curtis, R. D. (2011, April). Before class meets: Pre-class worksheets as a key in unlocking active engagement and student performance. Presented to the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, College Park, MD.
Berger, A. T., Buzinki, S. G., Dean, P., Donofrio, T. A., Fox, A., Fuad, A., Heighton, L. P., & Stoker, L. P. (2011, April). An exploration of faculty perceptions of civic engagement and service learning. Presented to the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, College Park, MD.
Buzinski, S. G. (2011, January). Practical pedagogies: Engaging students to make your job easier. Presented to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Teaching Preconference, San Antonio, TX.
Buzinski, S. G. (2010, October). It is your job to entertain students, and here is how. Presented to the Middle Atlantic Teaching of Psychology (MATOP) Conference, Washington DC.
Buzinski, S. G., & Roberts, S.P. (2010, June). Action learning: Inspire lasting learning through truly applied projects. Presented to the Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching, Washington DC.
Ciesielski, J. (2016, January). Man on the street: New Year’s resolutions. Daily Tar Heel.
Wygant, E. (2016, January). The psychology behind New Year’s resolutions. Carolina Connections Student Radio.
Kurland, R. (2013, October). Senioritis: A diagnosis for slacker students. College Magazine.